Crustecan Warrior MVP

The dashboard page with all of its features have been implemented quite successfully. With that, I will declare the completion of Crustecan Warrior app. Although I say “completion”, I’ve only finished the main functionalities such as ticket checkout and its data management system. But as it stands, people can start using it. Or any sportsContinue reading “Crustecan Warrior MVP”

Modifying the Imports

My app will go through a bit more of revision before going to, hopefully, the last presentation of the whole project. Thankfully, there are only a handful of changes to be made and I managed to finish it in a matter of hours. Now, that went rather smoothly, don’t you think? So I take thisContinue reading “Modifying the Imports”

Last Stages of Development

My app has reached the final stages, and is ready to be released by the time of writing this post. What was left to do is to build what I called “content pages”. They are pages that are less important than the main feature of the app. In the case of my app, the mainContinue reading “Last Stages of Development”

Forgotten Password

In an application with user auth system, there will certainly be times when we, humans, forget about important things such as passwords. Now they say that we need different passwords for each different websites. While that is true, that might also be a cause of insanity. Today’s world is way better when it comes toContinue reading “Forgotten Password”

CORS and Cookies

I’ve been developing my app with an assumption that everything will go well and everything will go “200”. This is particularly dangerous because, you know, the unexpected will always lurk behind your tail. Murphy’s law will always play a hand in whatever you do, but that doesn’t mean that preventing errors from happening will beContinue reading “CORS and Cookies”

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