Exploring Packages

One of the most satisfying part of being a developer (or an engineer in general) is when you see all of the little parts in your creation work cohesively as a single working unit as how you intended it to be. A few of these “little parts” for me are packages written by the everContinue reading “Exploring Packages”

Unable to Go Through Database Chapter

I’ve been bored lately. Node in Action approaches a topic which I’m not keen of, which databases. No. It’s inaccurate to say that I’m not interested in learning about databases, but it’s more like I feel reluctant to read a topic which I can’t put into test right away. The book went from the lowestContinue reading “Unable to Go Through Database Chapter”

Looking More Manual

Although I said yesterday that the reason why I pick up a book about Node.js is that I want to use Node.js beyond web applications, but a Node.js book must include a dedicated section of it to talk about web applications. It’s the main thing that Node.js is used for anyway. I’m also interested toContinue reading “Looking More Manual”

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